The Xenophobe's Guide to the
by Peter Berlin
A guide to understanding the Swedes that
takes the chill out of their cool exterior and reveals
the warmth of their inner selves.
Xenophobe's Guide to the Swedes
is now available on Kindle
Soulful sadness |
A common trait
among Swedish people is a deeply felt
svårmod, a dark melancholy born out of
long winters, high taxes and a sense of being
stuck far out on a geo-political and
socio-economic limb. They brood a lot over the
meaning of life in a self-absorbed sort of way
without ever arriving at satisfactory answers. |
Love all |
The Swedes indulge in sport
for leisure and sex for pleasure. Some people
treat sex as a sport in order to combine leisure
with pleasure, and thus save time and energy. |
Nurture nature |
The Swedes have a dream: to
save Nature from Man. This is more than just a
vision - it's as close to a passion as the
Swedes ever get. |
Net loss |
Becoming rich in Sweden has
never been easy. As Ingmar Bergman found out,
even millionaires can have difficulties making
ends meet when income tax is levied at 102%. |
Raucously funny and TRUE
portrait of the Swedes. Very very VERY funny
book, don't go to Sweden without it. |
... United Kingdom
Very precise look and
description of the Swedish people. This little
book describes perfectly the Swedish people. In
a funny but exact way the author gives very
funny anecdotes of this nordic people. |
Florida, USA
I picked up this book because I
will be going to Sweden this summer and wanted
to learn more about the Swedes foibles and
traits. Apart from knowing some Swedes on a
business level, I read several books dealing
with Swedish history, mentality, and culture.
This one adds to putting more pieces together
and confirms the information gathered from the
other books and my own experiences so far. It is
ever so enjoyable to read since it is packed
with humour and irony (in fact, the sense of
humour appeared to be so British, I first
thought Mr Berlin is a Brit). I couldn't put it
aside although I had to at times simply because
it had me in stitches. But rest assured, this
book won't put you off Sweden or the Swedes. The
underlying fondness the author has for his
native country is still discernible. Can't wait
to get my hands on the Xenophobe's guide to the
Germans... |
Hamburg, Germany
The most important book you can
get your hands on if you want to understand the
Swedish persona. Why spend years trying to
figure out their complicated ritual of toasting
(skål!)? For only $6.95, ex-patriot Peter
Berlin sells out his fellow Swedes' best kept
secrets. We definitely need the edge. |
An enlightened new series, good
natured, witty and useful. The Xenophobe's
Guides to different nations deserves a real
cheer. |
The European
Xenophobe's of the world unite.
There is hope that through these small but
observant books you may be able to overcome
ingrained prejudice. |
Gibraltar Chronicle
Nationalism and Identity
Attitudes and Values
Happy Families
Manners and Behaviour
Leisure and Pleasure
Drinking and Eating
Custom and Tradition
Sense of Humour
Business and Commerce
Language |

Berlin |
Format: 96 pages,
pb |
Published: 01/07/2008 |
Price: £4.99 |
ISBN: 978-1-906042-49-3 |
Online eBook. Click on
button below to sample. |